Work Request Manager API
API Resources
The WRM API includes the following resources that are available to Work Suppliers:
Name / Description | Verb HTTP method | Resource |
Get API version / Test connectivity | GET | GET /version |
Post an event notification to update a task or activity | POST | POST /notifications |
Get work request information for a specific task | GET | GET /tasks/{taskId} |
Get schedule (including Work Supplier details) | GET | GET /schedules |
Add a new subscriber to receive event notifications | POST | POST /subscribers |
Get campaigns (including Work Supplier details) | GET | GET /campaigns |
Determine the work request channel for a set of parameters | GET | GET /work-channel |
Reserve an appointment (not confirmed) | POST | POST /appointments |
Reschedule an existing appointment | PUT | PUT /appointments/{bookingId} |
Cancel an existing appointment | DELETE | DELETE /appointments/{bookingId} |
Confirm a reserved appointment | POST | POST /appointments/{bookingId}/confirm |
Get timeslots for an appointment | GET | GET /appointments/{bookingId}/timeslots |
Event notifications
Updates to tasks and activities are performed by posting events to the notifications feature. The following table lists the available events to Work Suppliers:
Event | Description |
CreateTaskEvent | Create a new task with associated activities |
ReallocateTaskEvent | Reallocate task to another Work Supplier |
AcceptTaskEvent | Updates the allocation status of a task (Accept) |
RejectTaskEvent | Updates the allocation status of a task (Reject) |
UpdateTaskSupplementaryReferencesEvent | Update the supplementary references of a task |
UpdateTaskSourceEvent | Update the source of a task |
UpdateTaskAssetsEvent | Update the assets relating to a task |
UpdateTaskFileAttachmentsEvent | Update the file attachments of a task |
UpdateTaskAdditionalInfosEvent | Update the additional information of a task |
PutOnHoldTaskEvent | Place a task on hold |
ResumeTaskEvent | Take a task off hold and resume working |
CancelTaskEvent | Cancel a task |
AddTaskActivityEvent | Add a activities to a task |
RequestAddTaskActivityEvent | Request to have a activities added to a task |
AuthoriseRequestAddTaskActivityEvent | Authorise activities added to a task |
RefuseRequestAddTaskActivityEvent | Refuse activities added to a task |
UpdateTaskRequestAddActivityAdditionalInfosEvent | Add additional information to an activity |
PutOnHoldTaskActivityEvent | Place an activity on hold |
RequestCancelTaskActivityEvent | Request to cancel an activity |
CloseTaskActivityEvent | Close an activity |
UpdateTaskActivityStatusEvent | Modify an activity status |
UpdateTaskActivityReviewerEvent | Update the reviewer(s) for an activity |
UpdateTaskActivityWorkerEvent | Update the worker(s) for an activity |
UpdateTaskActivityScheduleByWorkRequestorEvent | Update an activity schedule by the requestor |
UpdateTaskActivityScheduleByWorkSupplierEvent | Update an activity schedule by the supplier |
UpdateTaskActivitySiteEvent | Update the sites related to an activity |
UpdateTaskActivitySiteContactsEvent | Update the site contacts related to an activity |
UpdateTaskActivityOutcomesEvent | Update the outcomes related to an activity |
UpdateTaskActivityFileAttachmentsEvent | Update the file attachments of an activity |
UpdateRequestAddTaskActivityFileAttachmentsEvent | Add file attachments to an activity |
Receiving notifications
Event notifications posted by the Work Requestor are notified to the Work Supplier through the WRM and to the subscribed webhook address, see How to use the WRM API. The following table lists the notification types the Work Supplier webhook needs to listen for:
Note: In all cases, the associated task is attached to the notification.
Notification type | Description |
CreateTaskNotify | A new task has been created and allocated to the Work Supplier. |
SendTaskNotify | An existing task has been allocated to the Work Supplier. |
ReallocateTaskNotify | An existing task has been reallocated to the Work Supplier. |
UpdateTaskSupplementaryReferencesNotify | Supplementary references for a task have been updated. |
UpdateTaskSourceNotify | The source of a task has been updated. |
UpdateTaskAssetsNotify | Assets for a task have been updated. |
UpdateTaskFileAttachmentsNotify | File attachments to a task have been updated. |
UpdateTaskAdditionalInfosNotify | Additional information on a task has been updated. |
PutOnHoldTaskNotify | A task has been put on hold. |
ResumeTaskNotify | A task previously put on hold is to resume. |
CancelTaskNotify | A task has been cancelled. |
CloseTaskNotify | A task has been closed. |
AddTaskActivityNotify | An activity has been added to a task. |
RequestAddTaskActivityNotify | A request has been made to add an activity to a task. |
AuthoriseRequestAddTaskActivityNotify | Authorisation to add an activity to a task has been granted. |
RefuseRequestAddTaskActivityNotify | Authorisation to add an activity to a task has been rejected. |
UpdateTaskRequestAddActivityAdditionalInfosNotify | Additional information on an activity has been updated. |
PutOnHoldTaskActivityNotify | An activity has been put on hold. |
RequestCancelTaskActivityNotify | A request has been made to cancel an activity. |
CloseTaskActivityNotify | An activity has been closed. |
UpdateTaskActivityStatusNotify | The status of an activity has been updated. |
UpdateTaskActivityWorkerNotify | The work allocated to an activity has been updated. |
UpdateTaskActivityReviewerNotify | The reviewer allocated to an activity has been updated. |
UpdateTaskActivityScheduleByWorkRequestorNotify | The schedule for an activity has been updated by the Work Requestor. |
UpdateTaskActivitySiteNotify | The site for an activity has been updated. |
UpdateTaskActivitySiteContactsNotify | The site contact information for an activity has been updated. |
UpdateTaskActivityOutcomesNotify | The outcomes for an activity have been updated. |
UpdateTaskActivityFileAttachmentsNotify | File attachments to an activity have been updated. |